Os motoristas costumam distrair-se ao volante, um risco desnecessário que pode levar a um acidente. Manipular o navegador, sincronizar dispositivos, aumentar ou diminuir o volume do rádio, olhar para o telefone ou procurar objetos no porta-luvas ... são algumas das distrações mais comuns ao volante entre os motoristas. Dirigir exige...
When you’re setting up a communications program for your political campaign, one of the hardest questions you’ll face is how much your campaign digital budget should be. When you’re thinking through your budget, three main factors will influence how much money you put into digital. How to Create a Digital...
Building a candidate website is one of the first steps you and your team need to take after you decide to run for office. But a lot of candidate websites end up coming across as clunky, hard to use or dated. Your website is the first version of you that...
Everyone loves a good party, however, when it comes to a political house party you want to make sure it is serving the purpose of your campaign. Specifically, you want your political house party as a tactic for voter contact, especially around primaries and special elections. It is a good...
With platforms like Squarespace and WordPress, it’s become pretty easy for campaigns to set up their political campaign websites. That being said, now that the average joe can build a website without a backend developer, it’s now harder for a website to be seen via organic search. Get Your Political...
Every year and every election cycle, we all have important decisions to make about which political campaign to throw our time and resources behind. Whether you’re looking for a full-time job on a campaign, or simply a volunteer opportunity, it’s important to be thoughtful and strategic about which political campaign...